architecture business process

Getting Started with BPMN

BPMN is a brilliant tool for designing or documenting your business processes, but it can be a bit daunting if you’re faced with adopting the diagramming standard quickly or within large teams.

But all is not lost – with these simple tips you can ease your adoption and see great results within a few hours.

My top tips are:

  1. Lead by example – get stuck in.
  2. Use my handy notation guide or others like it.
  3. Peer review models with the whole team to get consistency in your approach.
  4. Start with ‘as-is’ processes first, agree them, then create ‘to-be’ processes.
  5. Keep it simple. As a team agree, the notation shapes you will and will not use.
  6. Use a good diagramming tool, preferably something with team support like EA.
  7. Accept that diagrams are never right first time, ever, even for pro’s!
  8. Get proficient at diagramming first, save BPEL and other technologies for later.

BPMN Diagramming Cheat Sheet

This is my personal BPMN 1.1 cheat sheet I created in EA. I’ve put this together based on a couple of years of experience of daily BPMN diagramming within a medium sized analysis and design team. The cheat sheet contains a whole host of tips for creating basic but valid BPMN models and some guidelines on how ensure your diagrams are clear, concise and easy to understand.

Ben's BPMN (1.1) Notation Cheat Sheet
Ben’s BPMN (1.1) Notation Cheat Sheet

To download a copy, just click on the thumbnail above.

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